Ya Beauty

Hair Care and Diet Therapy

When discussing hair care and diet therapy, it’s essential to first understand the human body and its complexity. The human body is structured hierarchically, from the smallest unit to the largest. Cells, composed of organic and inorganic substances, form tissues, which in turn create organs. Similar organs group together to form larger systems, culminating in […]

The Relationship between Hair and Spirituality

Expressions like ‘To be extremely angry until the hair bristled,’ ‘a whole head of hair turning white overnight,’ and ‘smile a little, look ten years younger; worry a little, white hair on your head’ underscore the influence of human emotions and mental states on hair. But can a person’s nervousness truly cause hair loss and […]

Side Effects of Using Minoxidil for Hair Regrowth

Minoxidil is a medication applied directly to the scalp to treat hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It potentially stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow to hair follicles. It is available over the counter in both liquid and foam forms and is usually applied twice daily.  Minoxidil is commonly used in: Androgenetic alopecia (male […]

How Poor Sleep Affects Hair Health?


The Vital Role of Sleep in Hair Health Sleep is crucial for overall health and plays a significant role in maintaining healthy hair. During deep sleep, your body goes into repair mode, regenerating cells and restoring vital functions. This includes the repair and growth of hair follicles. Lack of sleep disrupts these processes, potentially leading […]