Expressions like ‘To be extremely angry until the hair bristled,’ ‘a whole head of hair turning white overnight,’ and ‘smile a little, look ten years younger; worry a little, white hair on your head’ underscore the influence of human emotions and mental states on hair. But can a person’s nervousness truly cause hair loss and premature greying?
Medical experiments conclude that human hair isn’t directly controlled by nerves. Even if the sympathetic nerves connected to human hair are severed or entirely removed, hair can still grow. Why, then, does social pressure and mental stress often lead to hair loss and grey hair? Why do medical records mention mental stress as a factor in hair loss?
While nerves don’t directly cause hair loss, mental pressure triggers the contraction of the muscle layer in the scalp tissue. This contraction squeezes blood capillaries, disrupting blood flow and blocking partial circulation. As a result, hair follicles are deprived of nutrients from micro-circulation, causing them to shrink, resulting in hair loss, and an inability to synthesize melanin particles, leading to premature greying.
Furthermore, during periods of mental stress, fear, worry, and depression, the central nervous system malfunctions. This malfunction sends erroneous signals, causing sustained contraction of certain blood capillaries, blocking blood supply to the dermal papilla under the hair follicle. Consequently, hair enters a resting phase, leading to baldness. Alopecia areata, induced by this condition, is particularly noticeable.
Increased mental stress and contraction of hair erector muscles also squeeze sebaceous glands, resulting in elevated sweat and sebum secretion. The combination of sweat and oil is more likely to cause dandruff, disrupting the scalp environment and blocking hair follicles, further exacerbating hair loss.
In modern society, the pressures of work and life, economic instability, stagnant incomes, concerns about children’s education, and the state of medical and social security have become significant burdens for individuals. Whether civil servants, educated elites, business owners, or the working class, there is a general sense of decreasing happiness. Environmental pollution, water contamination, and food adulteration further contribute to mental stress, escalating pressure, and the prevalence of mental illnesses like depression and neurasthenia across all strata of society.
Abroad, experiments have shown that many individuals facing the death penalty exhibit signs of hair loss following sentencing, illustrating the profound impact of extreme tension.
Therefore, in the face of societal pressures, to mitigate the effects of stress-induced hair loss and premature greying, it is essential to maintain a relaxed and positive attitude. Establishing a healthy outlook on life and values is paramount.